Friday, June 28, 2013


Well, I've never had a fishbowl drink. For an avid drinker, this is shameful. So I decided to take a swig.

It was awesome. More alcohol. Although I imagine if I made my own it would be alcoholier and tastier.

Then I saw these pics and decided what I had was lame.
              Is the one on the far right real??

These ones are full...of alcohol.

Everyone I talk to seems to love these things but has a hard time finding a place that serves them on a regular basis nowadays. I imagine it's because American's like everything big and so fishbowls being big and misunderstood in Canada have sailed off to the Americas. 

I also didn't realize that fishbowls are meant to be shared...

who would share??

That's a lot of work to share....and someone is getting more alcohol than someone else for sure.

So where do fishbowls originate from is my burning question...

Any fancy drink connoisseurs/ alcoholics know where they came from?  


  1. Fish bowl was part of the regular drink menu at Mr. Happy Chinese Food Place (can't remember what it was called) at the Vermont/New Hampshire border. It was BOOZY!!!

  2. Woah... did you see that??? I just travelled back in time!!! It's really 11:42 AM!!
